Sunday, July 29, 2012

Too many ideas too little time!

I had a really great 10th anniversary this weekend with the hubby.   I was very spoiled and just had an amazing time.  Between anniversary stuff, my sister in law's family visiting for the past two weeks and getting the kids ready to start school on the 1st- I've not touched paint, pencil, charcoal or colored pencil- not even my camera the past three weeks.  

I'm feeling flooded by ideas atm and things I really want to do, but I'm seriously lacking in time.  I have this worry that by the time I get to sit down and actually work on the ideas that I won't be in the extreme creative type mode I'm feeling right now and it just won't be as good as it could have been.

I have some website related stuff I need to take care of for clients the next two days, and then the kids will start school Wednesday so some time should free up- but I just know I'm going to have to choose between practical things I need to get done that are waiting on me, and the creative things and I just know what is going to lose out.  I want to say that I'll give myself an hour or two a day for anything creative but I just know once I start I get irritated and crabby if I can't keep going till I finish- so I'm almost better off skipping it completely.  ::sigh::  Who needs sleep?

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